
Debunking Three Common Myths About Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Law Blog

Chapter 7 bankruptcy is the most common type of bankruptcy filed by the average person. If you are drowning in credit card debt or medical bills, chapter 7 bankruptcy can help you get your financial life back on track. However, there are many myths floating around out there about chapter 7 bankruptcy. If you are considering filing for bankruptcy, you will want to learn the truth surrounding these myths. Here are three common myths about chapter 7 bankruptcy and the truth surrounding them.

9 August 2018

Tips For Dividing Property During Divorce Negotiations

Law Blog

If you are going through a divorce, then you should know that the more issues you will be able to handle on your own, the cheaper your divorce is likely to be. For example, you should be able to divide your properties on your own so that you only use your family law attorney for more complicated issues. Here are a few tips on how to approach asset division on your own.

11 July 2018

4 Reasons To File An At-Fault Divorce

Law Blog

If you're having issues with your spouse and have a legal basis for ending the marriage, you may want to file for an at-fault divorce. This could be the best way to get the fastest results possible with the most ease during this time. Of course, it's necessary to have a legitimate reason for doing so and knowing what some of these are can be helpful. Reason #1: Infidelity  One of the causes of a marriage ending is due to one of the spouses being unfaithful.

6 June 2018

Starting Up A Nonprofit? Use These Pointers

Law Blog

If you're someone who volunteers and cares about helping others, you might often consider starting up a nonprofit organization. However, knowing just how to do that is tricky. You may have a ton of ideas about the work you'll do and what kinds of events you'll have, but to ensure your organization doesn't fail, use these pointers to prepare and set it up properly. Look for Support Your urge to help a certain people or wildlife is likely what's driving your desire to start a nonprofit.

10 May 2018

When Your Ex Is Uncooperative: How To Persuade Your Ex To Enter Divorce Mediation

Law Blog

Filing for divorce is difficult in and of itself. However, when you have a partner who does not want to finalize the divorce and wants to focus on repairing the marriage, the divorce can be much more difficult. Your partner may become uncooperative. Fortunately, you can proceed with the divorce process even if your partner is not cooperative. While your partner cannot stop a divorce from occurring, he or she can make the process more difficult.

5 April 2018

In Divorce, What Happens To Assets You Brought Into The Marriage?

Law Blog

Many people don't give much thought to the state of their premarital property until the possibility of divorce starts looming over their heads. In the ideal case, property that any spouse had before the marriage should still belong to them after the divorce. The other party will have no claim on these properties. However, there are exceptions to this rule, and it's because of these exceptions that many people find themselves losing property that they had for years before getting married.

3 March 2018

Crash! BANG! Ouch! Why You Should Get Worker's Comp After A Work Accident

Law Blog

When you drive a truck (any sort of truck) for work, you expect that there may be a work accident along the way. You hope there never is, and you strive to be safe, but that does not stop other drivers on the road from hitting you. When you finally are in an accident with your work vehicle, you are entitled to worker's compensation. Here is why. It IS a Work-Related Injury

1 February 2018

Accidental Electric Burns: What You Need To Know And Do Next

Law Blog

Electric burns are some of the most painful injuries you could ever face. Not only do these burns hurt as badly as burns with regular fire, but they also hurt much more because of the fact that the nerves are affected and/or destroyed. If you do not know much about the human nervous system, it relies on bioelectric impulses to carry messages to the brain. When the nerves are shocked by electricity, their messaging relays are interrupted and the burned nerves can only echo their pain.

5 December 2017

Why You Should Keep Your Children Out Of Your Custody Disagreements

Law Blog

If you and your spouse plan to divorce soon, you may have many disagreements about your home, cars, and other valuables. You may even argue and disagree about obtaining custody of your children. But unlike the material things in your life, you shouldn't fight over your children. The constant altercations could affect your kids' mental, physical, and emotional health in ways you couldn't imagine. Here are reasons to leave your children out of your custody disagreements and what you can do instead.

5 December 2017

Why It Is Vital To Hire A DUI Attorney

Law Blog

If you are currently facing DUI charges and have an upcoming court date for this, you will want to make sure that you are finding an experienced and talented DUI attorney to assist you. While you certainly do have the right to represent yourself, it may not be the best idea. There are many reasons why it is better to retain a DUI attorney for your case, such as the following:

5 November 2017