If you are headed to criminal court, helping your criminal defense lawyer represent your case is important. While attorneys can do a lot to help your case, it is vital that you are part of the process as well. Here are four things that you can do to help your criminal lawyer garner the outcome in court that you are hoping for.
1. Disclose Secrets from Your Past
Don't withhold information from your attorney. Your criminal lawyer can only be prepared for court if they know of any other problems with the law that you may have had in the past. This information will show up on your record and may be used against you in court. If your attorney has full disclosure from your past, they can prepare their defense more strategically.
2. Go Over Your Ultimate Goals for the Case
If you aren't clear with your lawyer from the beginning what your expectations are, there might be a disconnect. Go over what you expect the outcome of your case to be so that your attorney can head the right direction with your case. If a plea bargain is unacceptable and you would like to fight charges, your lawyer needs to know this. They can make sure to strategize your case around your wishes so that you aren't surprised when alternatives are offered up that you aren't comfortable with.
3. Don't be Unrealistic
On the other hand, if your criminal lawyer strongly advises you to take a plea bargain or other offer from your case, you should listen to them. You might have unrealistic outcomes in mind that probably won't be offered to you in court. If you have been charged with a serious crime, you need to trust your attorney's advice that you may be better off taking a less than desirable plea bargain.
4. Be Professional
Work with your lawyer like it is your job. Be prompt, be present at all meetings, and be ready to do what is asked of you. During court cases, make sure to dress the part and take any advice that your lawyer may have on offer. Your lawyer is working hard for your case so you should be meeting them halfway throughout the process.
Going to court for criminal charges can be scary, but with the right attorney you won't have to feel like you are alone in the process. Don't expect for your attorney to be able to represent you without any assistance or input from you. Make sure that you are a model client when it comes to helping your criminal defense. This will only bolster your case and hopefully lead to a better outcome in court. Contact a local attorney, such as Connolly & Associates, for more help.
Share2 September 2015