Dealing With Custody Issues? 4 Steps To Avoid Parental Alienation

Law Blog

If you're in the process of a divorce, and you have children, you want what's best for them. That's why the custody arrangements are so important. Unless the other parent is abusive – or there are other extenuating circumstances that will interfere with their ability to properly care for your children, you want them to continue having a loving and close relationship after the divorce. That's why it's so important that you avoid doing anything that might be considered parental alienation – which occurs when one parent attempts to undermine the relationship between the children and the other parent. Here are four simple steps you can take to help avoid parental alienation.

Speak Well of the Other Parent

When it comes to divorce, you might have negative feelings about your spouse. However, you should avoid passing those negative feelings on to your children. When your children hear you speaking negatively about their other parent, it can cause them to begin having the same feelings. To avoid parental alienation, be sure to speak well of the other parent while your children are around.

Ensure Access to Visitation

After a divorce, your children are going to see their other parent less often. That can be difficult on both them and the non-custodial parent. To make sure that your children have time to spend with their other parent, and to avoid interference that could undermine their relationship, it's important that you ensure access to visitation. Maintain the visitation schedule as often as possible. Avoid canceling scheduled visits, unless sickness or other emergency situations arise.

Encourage Open Communication

Your children need to have a loving relationship with both of their parents, even after a divorce. However, children often feel afraid to voice their feelings for the other parent. To avoid parental alienation, encourage open communication. Create an environment where your children feel safe talking about the other parent, including fun activities they might have enjoyed during a visit.

Extend Family Invitations

You may be divorced, but your children aren't. That means your children will continue to want their other parent to attend activities with them – including school functions and sporting events. To help your child maintain a strong relationship with their other parent, be sure to continue extending family invitations. For instance, if your children are involved in a school play or sporting event, invite the other parent to attend. Better yet-- have your children extend the invitation.

Now that you're going through a divorce, you want to do everything you can to encourage a continued relationship between your children and their non-custodial parent. Use the information provided here to avoid parental alienation. For help concerning your divorce and custody issues, be sure to speak to your attorney. 

Continue reading more about choosing a custody attorney near you.


20 May 2017