How To Know If You Have A Personal Injury Case Or Not

Law Blog

There are times when people get injured and are not sure whether to pursue personal injury cases or not. If you are facing this decision and are not sure what to do, here are several questions to consider, as the answers to these questions can help you determine how to proceed.

Was there an injury?

One of the most important elements of all personal injury cases is an injury. If there is no injury involved with the incident, you most likely will not be able to proceed with a personal injury case. Personal injury law is designed to protect victims of injuries, and these injuries can be minor or major. This law covers all types of incidents, too, including car accidents and medical malpractice. If you definitely have injuries from the event that happened, and if you have medical proof of the injuries, you might be in a position where you have a case.

Do you have evidence of foul play, neglect, or intentional harm?

The second important element involves any type of negligence, intent to harm, or foul play. In the event, did the injuries that you experienced occur from any of these things? A good example of injuries that occurred as a result of negligence is if you were struck by a drunk driver while you were driving. The drunk driver would be considered negligent for driving while impaired, and this would be easy to prove if the police showed up at the scene of the accident.

Can you prove the injuries were from the event?

The other important element to be aware of is that you will need to be able to show the correlation between the injuries and the event. In other words, can you prove that the event in question directly led to the injuries you now have? If so, you likely should proceed with a personal injury case against the person responsible for the incident.

Have you talked to a personal injury lawyer?

While you might think you do not have a case based on the answers to the questions here, there is still a chance you might. The best way to find out is by talking to someone who knows this branch of law, and you can do this by meeting with a personal injury lawyer. If you have any questions about what happened to you, this is the best way to find the answers you need. 


12 September 2019